Tuesday, 20 March 2007

A trip down memory lane

I was fortunate enough not only to have the luxury of a day off today, but also the privilege of a hire car at my disposal in order that I could drive to the Walsall hotel room from where I'm writing this, ahead of an early start at RAC Towers tomorrow morning.

Not, of course, that there's too much excitement in merely driving to the West Midlands - but, with time on my side, it meant that I could set off a little earlier than usual and have a bit of a day out somewhere.

I had planned to visit Stratford Upon Avon, but I couldn't leave Norwich early enough in the end to do the birthplace of Shakespeare justice (I've never been, but I'm guessing it deserves a bit of exploring rather than a flying visit).

Instead, I ended up somewhere I have spent significant time in recent years, namely the beautiful village of Newnham on Severn in Gloucestershire.

As the name implies, it is set upon the western banks of the River Severn, a water famous for a naturally occuring phenomena known as the "Severn Bore" - a tidal wave (literally) that sweeps up river as the tide swells in the Severn estuary, which incidentally has the second highest tidal range in the world.

It really is quite a sight, with the banks of the river thronged with onlookers, and the river itself attracting daring surfers who attempt to ride the wave as it surges past.

Today, I was lucky enought to be there in the evening for what was predicted to be the second most powerful bore of the year, and quite a sight it was, despite viewing it in the dark - most atmospheric. And a sizeable wave, too - the surfers weren't disappointed - well, except those who buggered off their boards the moment the wave reached them!

My camera wasn't able to do tonight's bore justice given the failing light, but I post a couple of examples of the bore in all its glory beneath. Plus you can click here for more information on today's bore...

Prior to the pleasures of standing round in the dark and freezing cold on a river bank with other hardy, like-minded souls, I had the time to take a wander round the village, visiting some of my favourite spots.

I have an especially great affection for St Peter's church in Newnham, where I spent some very pleasant summer's days a couple of years back, helping run the church summer school. I found this to be a very rewarding experience, amongst many I experienced in Newnham.

The church and its grounds are a beautiful, tranquil place, with amazing views high up over the river, and it was a really peaceful way to spend a sunny, if wintry, afternoon.

Fond memories and reminiscences indeed. It felt weird to be back there, but sentimentality won the day, and I'm glad it did...