Thursday, 14 August 2008

Table talk

Most readers of this blog will know that I love the game of poker. Just recently, I've been flicking through the online archives to remind myself of some classic showdowns.

Two of the most belligerent players in the world are England's Dave "Devilfish" Ulliot, and the USA's Phil Hellmuth. Typically, neither know when to shut up, and both love bemoaning a "bad beat" to the point of it becoming tiresome (for the uninitiated, a situation where they feel hard done by, having lost fair and square - though in some cases (such as in this scenario), they're justified in doing so, it must be said!)

This would go down as one of my favourite poker clips ever, involving two great characters of the game...

Monday, 11 August 2008


What a lovely tale this is. Thank you to Amy for bringing it to my attention :-)

Sometimes, you just need a heartwarming tale to let you know that all is alright with the world, deep down.

Especially if set to a Whitney Houston soundtrack ;-)