Welcome to my blog - the first of my new year's resolutions was to start one up, so I'm pleased to have chalked one off the list so early in 2007 (oh yes, there's more, but they're a secret!!)
My inspiration to start a blog came from three people, really. Firstly, my good friend Balaji, who first introduced me to the concept, when my comprehension of "blogging" was limited to simply knowing that I was reading the word more and more in the press.
Balaji's random ponderings make for very entertaining and often thought-provoking reading, and I urge you to dip in and out when the fancy takes you: http://www.puranijeansaurguitar.blogspot.com/
Secondly, it was my equally good friends Geoffrey and Debs, who came up with the fantastic idea of setting up a blog to complement our recent trip to Japan, Australia and Thailand together (which can be found here, for those who'd like to take a look: http://www.agentsontour.blogspot.com/
To be honest, before the holiday I'd begun to think that I was losing my passion for writing. Having written more or less exclusively about football for 4 years (most recently at my website http://www.yarmy.co.uk) , to be honest I've become sick of it, at least doing it on a regular basis. When a hobby becomes a chore, then it surely has to be high time to find a new one.
But filling spare moments in time abroad by writing about my experiences became a incredibly enjoyable, fulfilling and sometimes therapeutic experience, which is when the idea hit me - why not start a blog of your very own upon your return to Blighty? So here it is.
With regards to the Y'army site, it won't lie dormant forever. Despite my wish not to be anywhere near as "hands on" involved as I once was, we have some cunning plans regarding how to take it forward and (hopefully) make it as entertaining as it (hopefully) once was. Watch this space.
So, what will this blog be about? To be truthful, I don't know just yet. In my mind's eye, I see it as a platform for my - well, just what the title says - thoughts, musings and observations. Or perhaps I might simply write about something I've been up to, or somewhere I've visited. Who knows? We'll see!
You may not identify with the blog whatsoever. You may get very quickly bored and never visit the blog again! Or perhaps you might enjoy it. Whatever the weather, I'd love to have your feedback via the site, whether you know me well already, or just happen to end up here by chance or invitation.
So, what to write for the first post? Actually, it wasn't as difficult a decision as you might think.
A very dear friend of mine, the aforementioned Balaji, left England for his home in Kerala, India yesterday, possibly never to return, or at least not for his work.
Balaji has become such a popular guy in and around the fair city of Norwich, where it's been my pleasure to have worked with him for over a year, but also to share my cricketing Sundays with, have long chats with, go to gigs with, to name but a few things. To say that Balaji has touched many people's lives would certainly be no understatement :-)
I was dreading the big man leaving for home (I'm crap at goodbyes), but we agreed to not acknowledge it as such, instead merely as a "See you soon mate!". Fitting, really - I will always keep in touch with Balaji, and hold him very dear to my heart.
That said, my affection for the boy didn't preclude my corrupting him thoroughly during his time here (come on, what did you expect?!!), so gambling, smoking and drinking became regular pastimes for Bala - and although he was often at odds with his own moral conscience, I know he secretly enjoyed them all!

So, thanks once again for visiting. Expect plenty of posts both as the blog starts its life and as it matures that, hopefully, you'll enjoy reading as much as I, God willing, will enjoy writing :-)
Some of you may be curious as to the name of the blog. Well, if you are, please feel free to ask me and I'll explain...
There's at least one person reading who'll know exactly what it means already ;-)
Speak soon...
:)...Well well....good to see you blogging. i am sure you will find this an enjoying experience as I did when I started the same.
Thanks for all the compliments about me. I am sure whether I do deserve it...But we will leave that for some other time....
I think your blog is a great idea Jonathan. It is a good way to keep in touch with people and to let them know what is happening in your life. Because as we all know and understand life can sometimes get so hectic that it is difficult to make contact with all the people we'd like to all of the time. This way you can let them know they are in your thoughts.
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