Monday, 15 January 2007

Laughed? I nearly bought a round....!

I bought a book today. It's one I've been eyeing up for a while on lunchtime visits to Waterstone's in Norwich, and I can't quite work out why I haven't bought it 'til now, especially when I can now say that is THE funniest thing I have ever read - period (as they say "Stateside").....

It's by one of my favourite, if not in fact my favourite comedian, Ricky Gervais. I could go on, but I won't, except to say BUY THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!! To help things along, it's on offer at half price in Waterstone's just now at a mere £5.oo. Not much money to wet yourself laughing, I'm sure you'll agree!

I was reading it on the khazi at work today (too much information I know, but it's a bloke thing :-), giggling like a loon. Those coming in the door to hear my ecstatic wheezing from must have thought they'd walked in to toilet where a deranged masturbator was going about his deviant business...

Anyway, here's a taster - judge for yourselves!

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